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Men I Loved and Plants I Killed

This publication came to mind around the 7th anniversary of my father’s death. It is not easy to lose a father.

Relationships can be difficult and we tend not to try and fix them with our parents as we, the children believe it is their duty to do so and not ours. 
But they are only humans… and we will be parents who make mistakes too one day. 

In the past 7 years I’ve been on the hunt to fill the void he has left me with and these people were part of these years, maybe for a minute maybe for many months.

I’d like to thank them now, and celebrate the end of an era. 

Love comes in all forms.


March 2016

printed on 120g paper and 85g tracing paper 

each double page has a foldable tracing paper with graphics attached to it 

hand stitched with white thread


published in collaboration with MAMA photobooks

the zine was intended to be transformed into a "5 sense" experience where you can not only view and touch but taste, smell and hear the publication all at once! This transformation might come to life sometime in the future...

© 2023  L I L I A N E  S P I E L M A N N

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